Monday, June 21, 2010

Gasland Documentary

On HBO, Monday, June 21st, GASLAND will be premiering on HBO. A powerful expose on the hydraulic fracturing process and the devastation it brings to communities; very relevant in light of the “fracking” permits issued in Lawrenceville and Lincoln Place. If you have HBO, please consider hosting a viewing of this documentary for your friends and family – make sure to have lots of ice cream, kittens and/or puppies to combat the very heavy, deep and real messages of this documentary. There is currently a “listening project” being planned for Lincoln Place – to gather information and build awareness of fracking in the community. If you would like to get involved, or are just interested in what this entails, contact Jim Bailey of the Lincoln Place Action Group at or 412-708-1430


  1. For all of those hosting a viewing party, I hope you'll go over the other side of the story when you're discussing the film. Check out Gasland Debunked:

  2. The personal stories on the GASLAND documentary are the real honest truth and unacceptable. It is so important for people to see what individual human beings are experiencing related to fracking technology at this point in time. Chad, I will leave your website link here for people to look at and use their own judgement.
