Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Reducing Pain Through Food Choices

Can the food you choose play a role in chronic pain and symptom management?

Join integrative physician, James N. Dillard, MD, DC, Lac., formally and uniquely trained in three health professions—acupuncture, chiropractic and conventional medicine—for a day of learning, discovery and innovative hands-on cooking in a supportive environment. Dr. Dillard will discuss evidence-based causes of chronic pain, explore pro-inflammatory dietary habits and explain how he helps patients navigate from illness to wellness with conventional and unconventional modalities.

Turn Dillard’s therapeutic approaches into a reality you can taste through creative hands-on cooking and food learning experiences lead by Amanda Archibald, RD and Culinary Nutritionist, Stefanie Bryn Sacks, MS. For lunchtime enjoy the fruits of your culinary endeavors. The day will close with a panel discussion of medical, nutrition and culinary experts.

Early Registration : $60 (by July 16th )Registration : $80 per ticket
Wednesday, July 28, 2010
9AM – 2:30PM
Urban Zen Center at the Stephan Weiss Studio
711 Greenwich Street at Charles Street
New York, NY 10014

For more information, please email or call 1.212.414.8520.

Monday, June 28, 2010

Has anybody heard of the musician Dana Lyons ( from Bellingham, Washington? One of my favorite CD's is the one he did with Jane Goodall called Circle The World. Here's part of a recent e-mail I received from him about his alter ego, Mr. Green:

Howdy Friends and Family,

Sun Comes Out (temporarily) in Bellingham The sun has finally come out in Bellingham and the entire town is filled with smiles and overjoyous vitamin D-deficient people, myself included. Suntan lotion sales are up. Prozac down.

Dana’s New YouTube Career and Alter Ego:
Greenwashing Super Hero Mr. Green
I really had a great time filming Greenwashing Super Hero “Mr. Green” in the parking lot of the Oakland airport. After many years of singing for small environmental and social justice groups, I’ve recently become aware (thank you, US Supreme Court & the Tea Party) of the abuse that some large corporations have suffered at the hands of bullying citizens. Corporations are people too. And they have feelings, just like the rest of us. Thanks to Forest Ethics for creating this little video so that Mr. Green can help ‘share the joy’ of the greenwashing efforts of some large timber companies.

I've posted the video on my new YouTube channel: DanaLyonsTV.
"Stay green!" - Mr. Green

Gas Lease Meeting June 28, 2010 Peters Township

Peters Township Municipal Building
610 E. McMurray Road
McMurray, PA 15317
Meeting, Monday night, June 28th, 2010
Please attend this meeting to discuss the Gas Lease Bid and ultimate DRILLING on Peters Township Public Land!
Jet Miskis

Saturday, June 26, 2010

Neighbors Lawn Weed Control: What to do?

Our next door neighbors just had their lawn sprayed. How do I know? Our windows were open. I heard it, saw it, felt it and smelled it. It smelled more than I have yet experienced from next door in my years living here in Monroeville, that is since 1993. I wondered why they went from the granular stuff, even though the contents are similar, to the spray...The applicator man was on a segway-like machine riding around and spraying the lawn. I went next door to ask what he was spraying. I told him it smelled more than I had ever smelled from this type of application. "Fertilizer and weed control, that's all." "And what is in the weed control, I asked?" I do not have to tell you because you are not on the government list." This applicator man went on to say, "I know where you're coming from, I'm not even wearing any kind of protection." I mentioned he ought to and he said his employer does not give him any protection and he was just doing his job.

Many years ago these same neighbors asked me to donate to the American Cancer Society. Do they see any connection between lawn chemicals and cancer, so many years later? When I see my neighbors tomorrow, I plan to suggest they start using an organic lawn care service.... I will not ask them to consider moving towards a permaculture landscape, just to use an organic lawn care service. Do my neighbors understand that even though these chemicals are legal in this country that some of these chemicals are the reason their landscape is sterile, without earthworms and life under their monoculture green grass lawn? Do my neighbors ever think about what their landscape company is doing with their grass? Do any of us realize that humans are part of the ecosystem and that what we do to our grass winds up in all of us, circulating through our blood?

Our neighbors on the other side of our home had their lawn sprayed by accident about three weeks ago. A lawn care company made a mistake and sprayed their lawn even though they were supposed to be spraying a lawn a block away with a similar address. This neighber was upset and came over and told me so. She did not know what to do. She and her family are cool. She got an in-home and outdoor composter from her family for Mother's Day this year. She told me our family has influenced her to make changes. They do not put any granular or liquid weed control on their lawn anymore. That made me feel really good. Positive change takes time and can be painful, but it is possible and after awhile it makes you feel good and understand yourself and others more deeply. Sensibilities change over time if we take the time to educate one another and teach by example.

And the BP workers at all levels are doing their job to provide our American population with cheap oil and the Marcellus Shale folks are doing their job to provide cheap gas. And what is our job to facilitate the health and healing of ourselves and our planet? How must we proceed?
I believe in the precautionary principle. Check out for details on the precautionary principle. Let's figure out how to power down together in Transition! Google Rob Hopkins and In Transition, the movie, to learn more about permaculture and moving from peak oil to resilience.

Monday, June 21, 2010

Gasland Documentary

On HBO, Monday, June 21st, GASLAND will be premiering on HBO. A powerful expose on the hydraulic fracturing process and the devastation it brings to communities; very relevant in light of the “fracking” permits issued in Lawrenceville and Lincoln Place. If you have HBO, please consider hosting a viewing of this documentary for your friends and family – make sure to have lots of ice cream, kittens and/or puppies to combat the very heavy, deep and real messages of this documentary. There is currently a “listening project” being planned for Lincoln Place – to gather information and build awareness of fracking in the community. If you would like to get involved, or are just interested in what this entails, contact Jim Bailey of the Lincoln Place Action Group at or 412-708-1430

Saturday, June 19, 2010

Greening of Pittsburgh

We are excited to use these occasional updates to share news about the innovative initiatives we are working on, as well as to update you on existing “green” projects in the City of Pittsburgh.

In October 2008, Mayor Luke Ravenstahl hired the City’s first-ever Sustainability Coordinator and created the Office of Sustainability and Energy Efficiency to provide guidance on greening the City’s operations and facilities. The Sustainability Coordinator is tasked with implementing the municipal recommendations of the Pittsburgh Climate Action Plan, adopted in August 2008, as well as collaborating with individuals from all departments to strengthen existing environmental initiatives and ensure that sustainability is integrated into all City operations.

Staffed by the Sustainability Coordinator and Energy and Utilities Manager, the Office of Sustainability and Energy Efficiency also serves as a work and learning space for students and young adults who work with the City through class projects, independent studies, internships and fellowships.

Did you know that the City of Pittsburgh…

Recently created a Green Guide to aid citizens in “going green” in Pittsburgh?

Gave away 2,000 tree seedlings to residents in April 2010?

Was recently recognized with ‘Bicycle Friendly’ status by the League of American Bicyclists?

Replaced all of its traffic signals with energy efficient LED models in 2008, saving nearly $20,000 per month?

Purchases 15% of its electricity from renewable wind sources?

Is one of only 25 U.S. cities to be awarded a Solar America Cities grant through the Department of Energy?

Has transformed over 120 vacant lots around the city into common green spaces through the Green Up program?

Uses a B20 biodiesel blend in all of its diesel equipment?

Collected over 13,200 tons of recyclables curbside in 2009, which is a 19.5% Increase from 2008?

To learn more about these projects, click on City of Pittsburgh

Saturday, June 12, 2010

Why Food Matters

It is remarkable how much progress the sustainable food movement has made in the last 18 months. Only a few years ago, in 2006, Michael Pollan’s best-selling book, The Omnivore’s Dilemma was published, highlighting 40 years of a movement and building off the wisdom of J.I. Rodale, Wendell Berry, Wes Jackson and countless other visionaries who believed that growing food in ways that improved human health, the environment, soil and communities was the best approach to an agriculture that could renew the American spirit rather than degrade it.

After years of wandering in the wilderness, the sustainable food movement has gone mainstream. Just last month Time magazine celebrated four sustainable food thinkers and doers among The 2010 Time 100 List. For those who still haven’t seen a copy of the magazine, joining Michael Pollan in the 2010 Time 100 List are Will Allen, Milwaukee urban farmer and MacArthur Genius award winner, Temple Grandin, the renowned animal scientist and Kathleen Merrigan, current Deputy Secretary at the U.S Department of Agriculture. Together, we continue to make history, proving that a united community can make positive change.

Source: Food Democracy Now and Babble Photo

Saturday, June 5, 2010

Turtle Creek Greenway Project

There is a scheduled Public Educational Workshop for the Turtle Creek Greenway Project on Thursday, June 17. It will begin at 5:30pm in B-Y Park with a cookout, followed by a 2.3 mile walk through the Greenway (Saunders Station Road to B-Y Park), with educational stations along the way on a variety of topics. More specifically, The Turtle Creek Greenway is recognized as a local treasure of remarkable natural beauty and ecological value that offers educational and recreational opportunities. The Greenway is part of a larger regional continuum of greenways and also serves as a resource to protect the Turtle Creek communities from flood damage. These communities have united to share in the responsibilities to remediate, protect, and preserve the Greenway for future generations. For immediate questions contact Amy Wiles,

Transition Pittsburgh Local Economy Discussion

Please join us for open, public class with the team from Transition Pittsburgh at 2pm on Sunday June 6th. We will form discussion groups based on real, practical, Pittsburgh-specific solutions. The focus will be on local economy including a hand-full of local speakers. This session will last from 2-5pm and culminate in a potluck dinner to celebrate our growing community in the Burgh. Please bring a dish and your own dinnerware.

Local Economy Discussion and Potluck Dinner

June 6, 2pm-5pm

Kingsley Association

6435 Frankstown Avenue, Pittsburgh, PA 15206-4055

Transition PGH is one of four (as of 21 May 2010) official transition initiatives in Pennsylvania, as listed on the Transition United States website. So, what does it mean for Transition PGH to be an a formal transition initiative? In the context of the transition related movie screenings and trainings starting back in March (see the meetup group), four Pittsburghers, Elisa Beck, Greg Boulos, Mark Dixon, and Jeff Newman successfully went through the the application process described in the transition primer, to become a "Transition Hub" for Pittsburgh. Basically, the point of a hub is to facilitate the formation of local (neighborhood or borough) transition initiatives, such as the recently formed Sustainable Monroeville

[May 2010: Just to be clear, Sustainable Monroeville is not yet an official transition initiative, but it is headed somewhat in that direction. Also, as is likely to be the case with groups which are not Transition Hubs, Transition Monroeville isn't strictly about transition stuff -- it's about Monroeville.]

Friday, June 4, 2010

Art and the Environment and More

The Three Rivers Arts Festival begins, June 4, 2010. Check out the EcoArcade by the Pennsylvania Resources Council, the solar powered windmills and so much more over the next few weeks.

Be sure to check out how the waste is being collected at the festival. Do you sort your waste? If so, how much of it do you recycle, re-use or compost? I spent an hour watching the waste sorting going on at the main trash area by the food stands several years ago. It is fascinating to think about the total process from where seeds come from, food production to where our waste food goes. And watching folks discard their food at the festival, with all those bins is especially fun, at least from my perspective!!!

Moni Wesner on Mushrooms

Join Sustainable Monroeville on Monday evening, June 7 at 7:00 PM at the Monroeville Public Library in the downstairs program room to hear Moni Wesner on Mushrooms.

Are you a mycophile? I remember going with our family on a mushroom walk years ago and being very late for the hike. We tried to rush as we were concerned with not being able to catch up with the group. The fungus watchers we were catching up with had so much to look at and talk about that they had barely walked at all. My point is, there's lots of fungus among us to talk about!

Turtle Creek Greenway Educational Walk

June 17 at 5:30 PM Public Educational Workshop at B-Y Park, Pavilion * 3, PA 130, 7th Street in Trafford, PA. Join the Turtle Creek Greenways Plan Group for this 2.3 mile hike. Wear Boots or sneakers!