Thursday, May 27, 2010

First Inspired Composting Program in PA school district

In the Winter of 2009, members of the Composting Team at the Citizens Climate Corps (CCC) approached Quaker Valley School District about the possibility of starting a composting program in the school district.

Composting Fact
: Every ton of food waste diverted from the landfill saves 6 tons of carbon dioxide (equivalent) emissions, mostly through the avoidance of methane formation.

The US sent 25 million tons of food waste to landfills in 2005. Composting this mass would be the equivalent of removing 7.8 million passenger cars from the road.

The Composting Team is one of the action teams formed by the CCC. New action teams will be forming in the near future. If you would like to join one, please send an email to
The Citizens Climate Corps - a new volunteer-led, grassroots organization in Western Pennsylvania - is sponsoring a seminar to empower citizens to approach their school districts to start food waste composting. We helped the first school district in the state get started. We can help you make a difference at your local school, too. Hope you can join us or help us spread the word!

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