Thursday, August 26, 2010

Upcoming Events, August, 2010

Here are three upcoming events you might be interested in:

1) This coming Friday evening, August 27 at the Blue Slide Park in Squirrel Hill, there will be a showing of the movie Gasland followed by a discussion with Josh Fox, the creator of the documentary. Live music at 8:00, outdoor movie screening at 8:30. Rain Date, August 28.

2) Sunday, August 29, the Rachel Carson Homestead Sustainable Feast on the Ninth Street, now Rachel Carson Bridge. Cost is $10.00. Noon to five PM.

3) Tuesday evening, August 31 at 7:00 PM at the Coliseum 7310 Frankstown Avenue, a joint meeting of Transition and groups forming around the Marcellus Shale issue. Come Learn!

Elisa Beck

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