SAVE the DATES: Monday, October 1, 2018 from 6:30-8:30 PM for the next meeting of Sustainable Monroeville at the Monroeville Public Library with guest speakers via the internet on Electric Cars in our town and at 6:00 pm in Plum, for a hearing on the injection well in Plum, PA. How can you be in two places at once? Well...decide which event you resonate most with, then send a friend or family member to the other event! Written testimony on the Plum injection well can be submitted to the DEP through October 8. Details below.
On Tuesday, October 2, 2018 the Penn Township Planning Commission will meet at 6:45 pm for a workshop session and the meeting will begin at 7:30 pm. Some of their new business includes " Acceptance of the Deutsch Well Pad Final Land Development for final approval of a land development. The property is located at 888 Meadowbrook Road. Property is zoned RR (Rural Resource). Tax map parcel 55-02-00-0-023." This property is about 0.2 mile from the Monroeville Municipal pool and about three miles from the Monroeville Municipal building.
On Tuesday, October 2, 2018 the Penn Township Planning Commission will meet at 6:45 pm for a workshop session and the meeting will begin at 7:30 pm. Some of their new business includes " Acceptance of the Deutsch Well Pad Final Land Development for final approval of a land development. The property is located at 888 Meadowbrook Road. Property is zoned RR (Rural Resource). Tax map parcel 55-02-00-0-023." This property is about 0.2 mile from the Monroeville Municipal pool and about three miles from the Monroeville Municipal building.
Sharing Electric Cars in Monroeville? Yup! The Greenspot team is very excited to present their shared mobility program to Sustainable Monroeville. Their innovative program is a proven way to lower CO2 emissions, decrease the number of cars on the road and have far-reaching sustainable benefits for all residents.
GREENSPOT will share their concept of electric vehicle (EV) car sharing, a promising alternative to greenhouse gas vehicles up and down our traffic corridor. They have implemented one of the only EV car-sharing programs in the United States through a pilot partnership with Zipcar and ChargePoint, which provides easy access to EV charging stations and curbside infrastructure for EVs.
Monroeville was recently introduced to how they work with municipalities and landlords to address the future challenges of urban mobility. Urban dwellers and the millenial generation are not keep to own a vehicle that sits idle for 95% of the time. It may be the right time to resort to more fundamentally sustainable alternatives such as car sharing and electric vehicles.
Greenspot will present via the internet. Sustainable Monroeville invites you to see this presentation with us. Will this reliably revolutionize the way we commute? Will it be more economical? We need a long term solution to revolutionize urban mobility!
Questions? Contact
GREENSPOT will share their concept of electric vehicle (EV) car sharing, a promising alternative to greenhouse gas vehicles up and down our traffic corridor. They have implemented one of the only EV car-sharing programs in the United States through a pilot partnership with Zipcar and ChargePoint, which provides easy access to EV charging stations and curbside infrastructure for EVs.
Monroeville was recently introduced to how they work with municipalities and landlords to address the future challenges of urban mobility. Urban dwellers and the millenial generation are not keep to own a vehicle that sits idle for 95% of the time. It may be the right time to resort to more fundamentally sustainable alternatives such as car sharing and electric vehicles.
Greenspot will present via the internet. Sustainable Monroeville invites you to see this presentation with us. Will this reliably revolutionize the way we commute? Will it be more economical? We need a long term solution to revolutionize urban mobility!
Questions? Contact
Public hearing scheduled on waste injection well in Plum
State environmental officials have scheduled a public hearing for a company’s proposal to locate a waste injection well in Plum.
Penneco Environmental Solutions is seeking approval from the Department of Environmental Protection to dispose of wastewater at the Sedat #3A natural gas well in Plum.
The hearing is scheduled for 6 p.m. Monday, Oct. 1 in the auditorium at Oblock Junior High School, 440 Presque Isle Drive.
The conventional, non-shale well was first drilled in 1989 to a depth of 4,300 feet and extracted natural gas at three depths. The well was put out of service in 2015 and plugged to a depth of 1,900 feet.
According to the DEP, both it and the federal Environmental Protection Agency must approve permits for the proposed injection well, which is located off of Old Leechburg Road near Greensburg Road.
On March 7, the EPA issued an underground injection control permit for the well. It allows the company to inject wastewater into the well, pending DEP issuing a permit to change its use from production to disposal. Penneco applied to the DEP on March 13 to change its use to allow disposal.
Those wishing to testify at the hearing should register in advance by contacting Lauren Fraley, DEP community relations coordinator, or 412-442-4203 before noon on Sept. 28. Participants will also be able to register at the door before the hearing beginning at 5:30 p.m.
Participants will have up to five minutes to pose comments, statements or questions, and should bring written copies of their testimony and exhibits to submit to the DEP. Organizations are asked to designate one individual to speak on their behalf.
The DEP said it will respond to all comments and questions raised in testimony in a written comment and response document.
Written testimony will be accepted at the DEP’s Southwest Regional Office at 400 Waterfront Drive, Pittsburgh, 15222 until Oct. 8. Written statements must include name, address and phone number of the person making them and identification of the permit application - Sedat #3A.
Brian Rittmeyer is a Tribune-Review staff writer. You can contact Brian at 724-226-4701, or via Twitter @BCRittmeyer.
All the best!
Doug Shields
Douglas A. Shields
W. PA Outreach Liaison
Pittsburgh, PA
Food & Water Watch
Office: 1 267 428 1917
Cell: 1 412 969 5816
The Municipal Ordinance Project (MOP)
Don’t Be A Town Without a Plan! Does your local Zoning Code protect you?
Many Allegheny County cities, municipalities unprepared for shale gas drilling rebound
Thank you,
(e): sustainablemonroeville@gmail. com
(e): sustainablemonroeville@gmail.