Friday, June 29, 2018

Hydraulic Fracturing aka Fracking and associated infrastructure is upon us in Monroeville, PA and the Eastern Suburbs

Hello and Happy end of June 2018! What's new in Monroeville, PA and surrounding communities in the Eastern suburbs. A lot of active and proposed hydraulic fracturing wells and associated infrastructure including the injection well just approved for Plum, PA...
Please come to the July 2, 2018 at 7:00 PM meeting of Sustainable Monroeville at the Monroeville Public Library to learn more from Gillian Graber and what action items you can take.
Modeling our Regenerative future and taking care of Mother Earth 🌏 is what we all are learning by spending time at Boyce Park at the Meadow on Indian Hill. The beautiful brown-eyed Susans are in full bloom! We learn how to give back to the earth by putting plants in the ground that are good for pollinators like 🦅 birds and 🐝 bees. We understand we can reduce the amount of grass in our yards and parks and instead plant wild flowers and food. We learn to steer clear of herbicides, pesticides, and fungicides on our yards and in our food and water.
In conjunction with all we learn, we must understand why it’s of utmost importance that Monroeville PA put an oil & gas ordinance in place with specific restrictions on noise levels, light levels, air and water pollution monitoring and more. So far Monroeville Council and the Mayor do not agree. What is your opinion? Please join us for the Monday July 2, 2018 at 7:00 pm meeting of Sustainable Monroeville at the Monroeville Public Library (MPL) to learn from Gillian Graber, Executive Director of Protect PT for updates about proposed fracking sites in two of our neighboring communities Penn Township and Trafford. Ms. Graber will also cover what we as individuals can do to protect ourselves.
Other Save the Dates: Thursday, July 5, 2018 for Citizens Night and Tuesday, July 10 at 7:00 pm for the council meeting at the Monroeville Municipal building Wednesday, July 18 6:30-8:30 for Clean Air Council’s Groups of 10 at the MPL. Free, open to the public & All are welcome!
Put August 29, 2018 on your calendar as a tentative SAVE the DATE for the EHP coming to Monroeville, PA to sign folks up for the health registry. We are within 5 miles, most of us, of an active pad in Plum, I think....The proposed well pad just over into Westmoreland County beyond the bike path on Saunders Station is 0.2 mile from the Monroeville Municipal pool. About 1.2 miles from Ramsey Elementary and closer to Crossroads Pre-School.
See you on Monday, July 2, 2018 at 7:00 PM to hear genius Gillian Graber of ProtecT PT educate and activate all of us!

Elisa Beck :)
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