Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Food and Social Change

Anna Lappe will speak at Chatham University on Food Activism and social change on Wednesday evening, January 26, 2011, at 5:00 PM. Book signing follows. Admission is free. For more information call 412-365-2473 or email ajulier@chatham.edu. Directions and parking information are located here.

Her lecture, “Firing-Up Food Activism, Cooling-Down the Planet,” promises to be an inspiring talk about sustaining communities and encouraging innovative and democratic solutions to hunger, inequality, and environmental degradation. Ms. LappĂ©’s journey through the global food system shows us where the problems reside and what people across the globe are doing in everyday actions to challenge and change our world. Her most recent books include “Diet for a Hot Planet” and “Hope’s Edge.”Go to Chatham University website for details.

Join us at the next meeting of Sustainable Monroeville on Monday evening, January 7, 2011 in the program room of the Monroeville Public Library at 6:30 PM for a pot luck dinner. Bring along a dish that has one locally sourced ingredient, or a non-meat raw foods dish. Also bring a place setting so this can be a zero waste event. We will compost our food waste!
This will be our second annual pot luck dinner. We all needed to think long and hard about the local ingredient challenge in February. Here we go again! See you soon. :)

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Living Building Renovation

Check out this video by Kevin May of the Cultural Recyclists and learn something about a fascinating project in Pittsburgh's historic South Side. What can we learn from this work out here in the Pittsburgh suburbs?

Sunday, January 2, 2011

Alternative Electricity Suppliers

Join us on Monday evening, January 3, 2011, for our first meeting of the New Year! We will be planning speakers and happenings for this calendar year and hearing Joni James talk about an opportunity to fundraise for our organization.

Bring along your electric bill if you are ready to have your energy supplied by 20% wind energy or 100% wind energy.